Stening® High Pressure Stent

Code SAP

CE 0051


With a more robust wall, this model is very resistant to max compression.

When any stent is put under a strength test that compresses it with loads that increase gradually, the stent’s paulatine deformation takes place until it reaches the cession point. Here, the prosthesis suffers a higher deformation, with a notorious reduction of its radial resistance to flattening. This is called the break point, which is about 900 g/cm2 in a classical stent.

In the Stening® High Pressure Stent the tolerance to compression increases surpassing the 2000 g/cm2.

Its wall’s thickness increase is accompanied by an inevitable reduction in the area available  for air flow.

Stening® provides detailed instructions for each device, including insertion and removal techniques, precautions and postoperative cares.
Important: Stening SAP has a wall thickness of 2 mm. In order to offer the professional more possibilities in the treatment of different cases, we also manufacture alternative versions with exactly the same characteristics as the SAP, but with different thicknesses:
  • Stening HE with 1 mm thickness (with moderate radial pressure)
  • Stening ST with 1.5 mm thickness (with medium radial pressure)
Stening - Made in Europe